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Housing market for sale, louboutin pumps you can first make up in accordance with Fangjiakuan and interest cost, the original purchase of housing property owned by individuals, after all, that has been purchased public housing and affordable housing market income from the sale shall be dealt with in accordance with the preceding paragraph of this section; also be directly listed for sale, the income required to pay in accordance with relevant tax and land revenue, by the workers and the proportion of the original property is divided into units in accordance with the property. Withdrawn the original louboutin pump sale property units, which should in part by the proceeds of the collection of real estate transaction management, are included in the local housing fund account management.Article XI to encourage urban workers to improve the living conditions of families will have purchased public housing and affordable housing for sale to redeem the housing market. Purchased public housing and affordable housing listed for sale within one year after the purchase of the families in accordance with the market price of housing, or have purchased public housing and affordable housing within louboutin boots one year prior to the sale of the listed families to buy houses in accordance with market price can be regarded as property rights transactions.Article XII has purchased public housing and affordable housing market after the sale, housing repairs before the sale is still in accordance with the listing of after-sales maintenance and management of public housing, the relevant regulations. Individuals pay for housing the common parts and common facilities maintenance fund balance part of the non-refundable, with the transfer christian louboutin slingback of property rights at the same time.Article XIII has purchased public housing and affordable housing.

Par qzhangqian le mercredi 13 avril 2011


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